CB's Driving School @ www.passwithcbs.co.uk

www.passwithcbs.co.uk is the on-line home for CBs Driving School Offering Advice, Downloads and Guidance to those learning how to drive or wanting to improve develop existing skills. Offering Lessons, Refresher sessions and Pass Plus in selected areas of Kent. These include Sevenoaks, Tonbridge & Tunbridge Wells. This Blog is commentary of life on the road, and a way for past and present pupils to keep track of changes, whether they are business, legal or just trivial.

Tuesday, 12 January 2010

Independent Driving - A Change to the Current Test

The DSA have announced that there will be an addition to the DSA Driving Test as part of their measures to bridge the gap between learning and post-test driving. DSA Chief Executive, Rosemary Threw, explains "The independent driving section of the test will consist of a period of about 10 minutes, during which time the candidate will be asked to do one of the following:
- drive to a destination following traffic signs.
- drive following a series of verbal directions.
- drive using a combination of both of these methods."
Plans are to introduce this section of the test from 4th October 2010.

Further details to follow. Also keep an eye on our Advice Page for downloads relating to this and other aspects of the test.

At CB's we thoroughly support this move and look forward to its introduction. Other issues we hope will also be addressed in the future are:

Motorway Driving - while Pass Plus is available there is no formal test or compulsory training to ensure a driver has the ability to drive safely on the motorway. Maybe a system similar to that used in Canada of a 2 part Provisional Licence should be introduced, this could include such things as limited engine size, passenger limitations and even a curfew.

Health and Eye sight checks - While the new Photo ID Licences require renewal every 10 years, there is no health check required. The responsibility is with the licence holder, and with some reports showing figures of 40% not having adequate eyesight for driving while behind the wheel this must be addressed!

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20mph = Safer speed?

20mph limits being trialled in London have shown initial success!
British Medical Journal reports show road injuries have been reduced by more than 40% in these areas. In a comparison to figures from 1986 to 2006, casualties were reduced by 41% with deaths and serious injuries to children reduced by half. Pedestrian injuries were reduced by nearly a third and cycling casualties by nearly 17%. With the zones preventing about 203 casualties a year in the current zones alone. If these zones were increased the reductions would also follow.
In addition the areas adjacent to the zones benefited from an average reduction of 8%.
For more on Road Safety check out - Think! Road Safety and Safe Speed

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Happy New Year

And CB's new years resolution? To actually put something interesting onto the blog! At least once a month, hopefully once a week! So.....here goes!

What's new?
2010 prices – Special Offers available on our Prices Page. If you want something specific Get In Touch and we will put together a package designed for you.

CB's 207 – a flexible, easy to learn in and enjoyable car to drive!

Cheat the Theory Test? Well not quite, but you can get a breakdown of all the answers
on our Advice Page

Lousy weather, slippery roads and plenty of the white stuff – it can mean only one thing! Yes,Winter Driving Advice! Check out our advice page now.

Taxi Training – Looking to get your taxi licence? You have the driving experience, we have the test experience. DATT (DIA Accredited Taxi Trainer) tuition means you will be able to pass the test and start earning asap. With reported national failure rates of up to 80%! You would be silly not to!

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